Proverbs 31:17- ‘‘She girded her loins with strength she strengthens her arms’’
The woman in the above scripture is no weak woman. She does not faint in adversity. She does not bend down and allow life’s wind to blow her anyhow. The verse says ‘’she girded her loins with strength’’ she has built capacity to handle things. She has strength inside her. She is not the woman you can talk strength into her when she is needs encouragement. She knows how to encourage herself in the Lord. She is well prayed up. She does not pray when there is a need to pray, she lives prayerful.
She has committed herself to constant improvement, therefore she has strengthened her arms to do great things. Your arms have to be strengthened to walk and live in your purpose. You need grace to face life’s rigors. You need wisdom to make decisions and act wisely. You need guidance and ability to accomplish your dreams.
Building strength inside and out should be every power woman’s desire. Weak women don’t last in the battles of life. They faint too soon and give up quickly. This life is for those who do not give up; who will take it by force. The woman of strength will do exploits. She will rise and influence the world positively. She will fulfill her purpose and live her dreams. The opposite is the answer to a weak woman.
Don’t mistaken a quiet personality for weakness. A woman of strength decides quickly; she is forthright and focused. She sets goals and goes for them; she is committed to daily spiritual and self-improvement. She does not necessarily have to be a talker - some talk and don’t act, they just talk, talk. Will you be willing to build strength this year? This comes by staying connected to God who is the power source for grace and strength.
Dear friends and beloved in the Lord,
ReplyDeleteHere is another powerful ministration on the proverb 31 babe series by Regina Moore.
Please read, apply to your lives, share and be blessed.
Much love
Sister Aije
Dear friends and beloved in the Lord,
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that this is the third time I am sending this ministration as the links in the first 2 failed to work. I pray you receive this one.
This is another powerful ministration on the proverb 31 babe series by Regina Moore.
Please read, apply to your lives, share and be blessed.
Much love
Sister Aije