I want to ask you a question. Yes, you! The one reading this message!
Do you have the heart of king?
If you are unsure, let me help you take an inventory, then maybe you will be able to answer yes to the above question.
- Do you know and declare yourself according to Revelations 1:6, that we are made kings and priests? (your answer should be yes if you believe what the Bible says about you). In being a king and priest, we are called to rule and subdue, so do you rule and subdue??
- Do you know that in order to have the heart of a king, you must have a heart transplant??

Although many people ask Jesus into their heart on a daily basis, I find that not all people willingly give their whole heart back to Him. It may seem as simple as saying a little prayer, but if you're being totally honest with yourself, this is more than just a prayer, this is life changing.
If you're anything like me, and you've lived any amount of time in this earth, you have experienced some sort of heart break, heart-ache in your life at one point or another, even something as simple as offences against you (did you know that offence, and unforgiveness can be the root cause of sickness and disease?) . For me, I buried my two year old son, and then a few years later buried my twin brother. I had a lot of heart-ache, and heart break! I had been used and abused all of my life, so I had a whole heap of stuff to give back to Jesus. I had to physically go through a checklist of all the hurt, the pain, the feelings of loss, abandonment, rejection that I had ever been through in my life and asked Jesus to take them all from me. My shoulders were heavy from carrying the weight of it all around for years. By the way, aren't your shoulders feeling a little heavy? Isn’t it time for you to cast that load unto Jesus? (Please refer to Matthew11:28)
Let me explain what made it easier for me to let it all go: first I came to understand that we are spirit beings, we live in a body, and we have a soul. Understanding this gave me greater insight as I now understood that it was not that person, but the spirits operating in that person that did such horrible things to me (this by no means made it excusable, but it did make it easier to forgive them).
And, after all that had happened to me, it was only the work of the enemy who also knew that I would be one mighty woman of God if I ever served the Lord (ha ha devil, you failed miserably in my life). And after all, who can curse what God has blessed, right? (refer to numbers 23:8).
This stands true for you too, woman of God. It is not the person who hurt you that you need to be angry at, it's the devil. The devil is the one who has tried to stop you, silence you, hinder you from reaching you high call in Christ. If you're still struggling with this point, it has to be said that you should probably re-examine whether you're really ruling and subduing if you can't get past your unforgiveness, because that person who offended you is free to live their life while you're still in turmoil about a situation that they probably forgot years ago(therefore holding you in bondage)!
Why is it so important to go through the painful process of digging all that stuff out of our hearts?
Because my sister, you cannot be used to your fullest capacity in Christ if love is not being perfected in you.
Not only are we to release all of the past pains, hurts, and all other issues to do with the heart, but we must release forgiveness to them also (please refer to Matthew 6:14).

After all, was it not for those who are in need of a Saviour that Jesus came for? These people who have offended us, hurt us, abused us, taken advantage of us are just as sick as we were before we came to Christ! And that means they have just as much right to forgiveness as we did. After all, not one sin is greater than another, and all sin is worthy of the penalty of death, (so your little white lies was just as bad as their abuse to you or those you love).
My message to all of you power hour women out there, give it ALL over to the Lord, stop harboring resentments, anger, and a defeated spirit!
put on the victorious mind of Christ, and receive your new heart in Christ! When you have the heart of Christ, you can love like Christ, forgive like Christ, have mercy like Christ, and have compassion like Christ!!
Don't you want to be more like Christ?
Bottom line, when we give our whole heart over to Jesus, then we can say with all certainty that the heart of a king is in the hands of the Lord (proverbs 21:1).
Let us pray now for full healing of every issue to do with the heart that has held us for years!
Father God, in the name of Jesus, we come before you seeking to be like King David, who was considered to be a man after Your own heart, I ask you now Lord, to give me the grace needed to let the issues go that have burdened me for so long. Your Word tells us Lord, that you will return everything that the devil has stolen from me, so devil, in the name of Jesus, we put you on notice this day, you have been served your eviction papers, we command you by the blood of Jesus, to return my peace of heart, return what you stole, and get out of my life, I will no longer be held a captive in your camp by unforgiveness and offences, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Father, we also ask you to help us to fully release every person who has wronged us in any way, release all offences from our heart, so that you can expand our hearts for your glory's sake, for the work that you have called us to do, we ask for a special grace to be released to us now that we are able to fully let go- and let You rule and reign in our hearts and lives, in Jesus' Holy name, we pray, amen & amen
Remain eternally blessed,
' The Heart Transplant Process'
Confess your sin and lawlessness,
It's a good place to start,
but it's only one step in a
matter of the heart.
Next, seek forgiveness,
That would be my guess,
but come bearing your heart.
God will take no less.
Now, press on by seeking
who might've wronged you,
as you do this, you'll
shed your hard heart too.
Now think, you've wronged
a few people along the way,
Lord help them to forgive me,
is what you might pray.
Now these are a few steps
in a transplant of the heart.
Don't put it off any longer.
Today's a good day to start.
Dearly beloved Women,
ReplyDeleteHere is a powerful ministration by Minister Shelley Foster - Thank you so much for this, Minister Shelley.
It about your heart. Do you have a heart of a king? If not, you can have a transplant... Please read this write up to find out more. It is power - packed and thought provoking!
God Bless
Sister Aije