Text 1 Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace who has called you out of his eternal glory by Christ Jesus after you have suffered a while makes you perfect strengthen, establish and settle you.

I will like to draw your attention to the suffering bit of this scripture which we don’t normally like or want to hear about. Truly it’s part of our journey as children of God. Wither we confess it or reject it. It’s part of our polishing for gold; it’s the road to the trophy. It’s part of the porter’s wheel.
I want to pay some attention to suffering sisters; some where self inflicted suffering, others the enemy’s raging attack and some put upon by other people. In any category the sister is in a state of affliction.
When a sister is in a situation like pregnancy out of wedlock, others look down on them, we raise up our spiritual feathers, ‘’I have never sinned or I have never missed it’’. How could you disgrace Jesus like this? These sisters most times run away from church as that’s the last place they want to be expecting judgemental attacks at times no one shows love. They are looked upon like trash, unworthy, disciplined and push to the back of the church.
Don’t get me wrong am never for premarital sex neither am I against church discipline they are all scripturally right to be lived by. What I want to bring out here is how can we handle such a sister that has fallen? Should we tread on her with gossips and judgement attitude? Should we look down on her like she is nothing? The answer to both questions is no! The church is like hospitals were sicknesses are being looked after. That’s why we come to church services, it’s for servicing of our lives. That’s one of the reasons we come to church. If in church we finish the already broken we are not doing our job.
If a divorced sister comes in and we look down on her because she is a Divorcee, even before knowing the real situation why she divorced, we’ve judged her pull up our 'holy' feathers so that she can’t be comfortable, we are not helping matters. A sister saved from prostitution should find love support help from other christians, not looking down low on her because she was a prostitute.
It’s time for sisters to show love, God in His own way will deal with their hearts if they are sincere. It’s not my place to start telling her she has sinned; she already knows, the Holy Spirit is ministering to her. My job to a sister, who is pregnant out of wedlock, is to reach out for her restoration in the Lord. Help prepare her for godly motherhood; stand by her till she picks up the pieces of her life and give meaning to her existence as that’s not the end of her world and certainly not the end of God’s plan for her.
My sister suffering from a divorced situation our duty is to be there for her in her early lonely days. Help her with task that she can’t bear alone pray strength into her being; surround her with friendship and sisterly love till she can manage on her own. The sister that God has removed from prostitution my duty is to channel her to experience the true love of Christ.
Exposing her to truths in God’s word that will give her assurance and footing that she need not go back to that life. There is a living Jehovah Jireh that will provide and supply all her needs according to His riches in glory. I should encourage her to discover her talents to work for a living. Pull her up to self respect and meaning for living.
When our sisters are going through BREAK UP lets help them MAKE UP. Now go be a loving sister to the suffering. God bless you.
Please forward this to a sister who really needs this you will be glad you did.
Keep reading power hour mails.
What do we do when a sister falls? when she is going thru break up, do we help her make up or do we........ Find out the how to's when a sister is in a fallen state. Powerful and life changing.
ReplyDeleteChristianity is WORK and surely not for the feeble hearted..may God continue to make us the reflection of His Love and Grace! Selah