Look! I’m standing at the door and knocking. If any hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to be with them, and will have dinner with them, and they will have dinner with me. (Revelation CEB).
Can you imagine dinner with Jesus? How amazing is that!
Can you imagine dinner with Jesus? How amazing is that!
You may recall that my last ministration (excluding the proverbs 31 series) left us at Martha's house. You will see from this story in Luke chapter 10, that when Jesus came to her house, it was Martha who opened her home to Him but her sister Mary, opened her heart to Him. Martha was busy making preparations for a meal which would satisfy their physical body but Mary was already enjoying her spiritual meal with Jesus by listening to His word.
This reminds me of what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 4 : "Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” (Matthew 4:4 NIV)"
In the opening verse taken from Revelations 3 vs 20, Jesus' message was to taking to the Christians in the church in Laodicea, not as some picture may lead you to believe, at the door of the heart of an unbeliever.
In that passage, Jesus was telling the Church that He was not happy with their lukewarm status and how they considered themselves to be rich, not wanting anything else, when in actual fact, they were desperately spiritually poor, pitiful, blind and naked. Jesus went on to say " I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. (Revelation NIV)" . He rebuked them (told them off ) these words because of His love for them. In verse 20, Jesus was showing that He was waiting for them to respond to His knock. There were two actions Jesus; the first to take place before the second. First He wanted them to hear his voice. Secondly, he wanted them to open the door.
I believe some of us like Martha, opens the door for Jesus but don't take time to hear His voice like Mary did.
Jesus said when we hear His voice and open the door, He will come in to be with us (Stay with us) and then have dinner with us first, then we will have dinner with Him.
Having Jesus with you all the time is the most comforting and amazing experience ever! He did promise never to leave you nor forsake you. Sometimes we forget He is right there with us and we miss out on sharing our lives with Him and the peace and assurance this brings. He wants to be part of our lives.
I have wondered what Jesus meant by Him having dinner with us. What came to me was this: when someone comes to your home for dinner, you share with them what you have. This will include your food, drinks, your family, and they get to know you better through things you share with them. Family meal times are quality bonding times.
I therefore believe that dinner with Jesus is us spending quality bonding time with Him. This will involve us not holding back anything from Him, but sharing everything with Him, holding nothing back. Jesus is interested in the real you.
The beauty of this is, He knows you very well already but He wants you to invite Him to take part in your life and for you to be open to Him. Just like the Samaritan woman He met at the well. He wants to bring healing to every area of your life, and make you the best of who He has created you to be. He has come to give you not only a life worth living but abundant life that you can share with others. He wants to bring light into those dark areas in your life. He wants to give you His peace like no other - a peace that passes (greater than) all understanding.
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)
Sharing your dinner with Jesus is a life-transforming experience. Ask the Samaritan lady who met Him at the well! Read her experience in Luke chapter 4 vs 8-29.
I don't know whether the Samaritan lady took the living water Jesus offered her, but the little time she spent with Jesus, had a massive impact on her life and this extended to many people.
Jesus' life-transforming presence extends to your household!
Imagine what He will do in your life if only you will let Him.
Consider where Jesus is in your life. Is He still standing outside knocking, waiting for you to hear him? Have you heard Him but not opened the door? Have you let Him in but not allowed him to have dinner with you or have you like Martha allowed Him into your home but have become too busy preparing the meal, to spend time with Him and listen to what He has to say to you?
In my next ministration, I will share with you on Jesus sharing His dinner with you.
Dear friends and beloved in Christ,
ReplyDeleteAs promised, here are my testimonies..
I was at work when I received a distressed phone call from my husband saying 'I don't think we will make it home!' He had the children with him and to cut the long story short,he had run out of petrol on the motorway and was due to pick me up from work! 'What would you like like me to do?" I asked "Pray" was the single response. And so I did. I asked God for a miracle and the Lord heard my prayer - without us visiting a petrol station.
When we got home, I prayed aloud ' Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer and bringing us home". On hearing this, one of our sons, said you had better thank Jesus twice because after you prayed for me this morning - having suffered back pains for the past two days been unable to bend down, - Jesus has healed me completely!
I am so grateful to God for His faithfulness.
Be encouraged by this - there is nothing impossible for God to do.
In the ministration attached, Jesus is calling for your attention by starting with the word "Look!' or "behold!" in some versions.
Read on to find out what Jesus is saying....
Remain blessed
Yours in Christ