I've recently been playing a song and each time I listen to the music I see myself in the lyrics as well relate with the artist, it goes "I'm working hard to follow you; I'll keep running to you." Yes oh, Lord, it is not easy! The things we have to give up, over look, humble ourselves to, persevere, endure and even deny.... Uh hm Lord that's too much of a sacrifice. Many times I have tried to take a break, lay back or rebel but God just won’t let me go! He hasn't brought us this far to loose us to the world; we are in the world but not of the world. Why can't I do what other people are doing, they get away with it, is it because I choose to follow you? Okay then, give me the grace to run
Most of the time as Christians we tend to have a heart after God to be pure and holy but when we look round we think to ourselves this isn't much of a sin, (sin is sin) we justify it; let me try it; 'I'll just touch and go'; I wont be long Lord'; 'let me just deal with it my way' forgetting that God is our only resource not last resource. I tried it many times but had to go running back. Yes, many people might get away with it. Yes God is merciful. Yes the grace of God is on our lives and even more than sufficient. You might not be the one to get away with it.
When we choose to follow him it is the life he lived, the love he has for us, his sincerity and truth, the miracles and wonders he performed and of course our lives he touched that made us yield to him and make us friends of Christ. There are some things we'd really love to do, places to go, parties and clothes we'd love to wear but for the love of Christ we can't because we are set apart. In return his light must shine through us, how could the journey to Calvary be in vain? If I let my Jesus down He won't! Mercy won't let us go; He has promised not to leave us nor forsake us, neither has he brought us this far to leave us. God loves us so much that he gave us Jesus and Jesus left us with the Holy Spirit the teacher, the comforter, the director, the convincer John 14: 9-31. He gave us a choice to choose his ways that are right which leads to eternal life or the wicked ways that leads to sorrow, consequences and death which is the narrow or wide gate.
There was a trip I was due to go on, I knew that if I went my faith would be compromised; God might be upset with me. However, I tried God; I reasoned why I should go and concluded that God is a merciful God! I told my work colleague with excitement see you in two weeks time every one wishing me a lovely holiday. Approaching the stairs to the car park I missed a step and took an express flight to the ground floor. People in the office heard the fall, not only did they see me again two weeks too early; I was on the floor groaning with pain! The Security man, manager and few colleagues came rushing to ask if I was alright and whether they should me an ambulance; someone in the crowed asked is this the sole of your shoe? I could see the stifled sniggers on some faces trying not to laugh, imagine? Who else's shoe would it be! The days after I was severe pain, I went for a X-ray,I could not walk straight for two days I knew this trip was off. That night after the plane had taken off; I was as fit as if nothing had happened to me days before! Ah this God!
Alright I surrender I repent; I'm sorry Lord, okay what’s your plan and not mine? I’m running back to you. He knew that if I had gone I spend most of my time lifting hands asking for forgiveness than praising him and my place of worship left because of sin. Thank you for delivering me from guilt and shame.
(This being one of many instances)
Have you been in my shoes, trying to live a righteous life but the distractions of the world are overwhelming (taking one step forward two steps backwards!) If so, talk to God, have a conscious mind, read the word, I promise he will intercede, (not as in my case).
Gods hands are wide open, don't find it hard to run back each time, He's calling you. It hurts when we stray away from him, when we try to do things our way or when we depend on man, who is temporary, and not wait on God that is ever lasting. Jesus came to give us life and in abundance only if we can totally trust in Him. We all have it a convicted spirit (a conscience) we know the right from wrong. We know the truth which will set us free.
Be encouraged by the following scripture:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths
straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body
nourishment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5-8 NIV)"
Do you struggle with your walk with God? If so be inspired as you read this powerful and frank account.