Sunday, 12 May 2013

The proverbs 31 Babe series - 4, By Regina Moore, May 2 Issue 2 Vol 3

Proverbs 31:13- ‘’She seeketh wool and flax and worketh willingly with her hand’’

It’s great to sit at home being supported by your husband. Many women find themselves in that position and are enjoying it. There is nothing wrong if the woman is happy to do so. Doing the ministry of the housewife; raising great kids for tomorrow’s generation is a powerful ministry. Some women in the African setting sometimes find themselves doing this for their life time.

Most 21st century women in African and other parts of the world don’t really go for this position these days. A lot has changed, with women going in various career paths, taking positions in government, being CEO’s and company leaders, running multi-million dollar businesses, being proprietresses. Women are rising up to greater things.

The woman in the above scripture seems to be a working business woman. She seeketh wool and flax that means she goes about seeking out businesses, working and making things happen with her own hands. Seeking is a conscious effort to go about looking for, trying to get things done. She is moving things, pushing against the odds with no excuses about childcare or capital absence.

She does not complain that too many people are doing this or that I don’t know what to do. She seeketh and goes after successful ventures willingly. She is not being pushed or cajoled; she does it with all her heart. She does not wait until hubby encourages her to do something with her life to contribute to the family as a help mate. The willing spirit is to be commended.

Don’t wait to be cajoled to work or add value to your life. Women love to be pampered but the days of over pampering are soon coming to an end. If you live abroad in the UK or America there is not much sitting at home wife business as there are bills to pay and both partners have to work and contribute to the payments of mortgages, utilities, council taxes, various insurances, car payments, childcare, warm clothing, credit cards, attending to family needs back home, and most of the time debt repayments as well. So both husband and wife have to pull forces together to do these responsibilities.

This year join forces with your hubby to create a new financial level for your family. Or if you are single don't let anything stop you from achieving greater levels of success in your life. Don't wait for someone to make it happen for you. Go out and get it yourself. You are more than able and you were born to succeed. God knows where you need help and He will send it when you ask Him and believe Him for it. But you must go out in faith believing you will succeed.   Do it willingly just like the lady above who has a great entrepreneur, spirit doing things with her own hands. Can you step out this year for your own wool and flax?

1 comment:

  1. Dearly Beloved,

    You were created for great things! Yours may be bringing up children, supporting your husband, being a business or career woman etc... Whatever your gifting is, don´t sit on it. Go and be the best in it and be a blessing.

    God bless
    Aije x
