Philippians 3:14 I press towards the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Reading Bishop Oyedepo’s book Towards Excellence in life and ministry, I came across the above scripture. It opened up a whole new meaning to me as I pursue God's purpose for my life.

Finding myself in my place of birth after 18 years out of home the longest of which I spent in the United Kingdom for 9 years. Coming back home, God said there is a pressing for the higher heights. I will discuss below how we can press towards God's plan and purpose as women sold out to God.
The first question is pressing towards what?
Using my life as an
example, God having given me understanding as to what He wants me to do in
Sierra Leone. Having clarity as to why He lead me home at this time of my life
and what is his purpose for this season of my life. I have it all clear I know
why I am here. Some family members did not approve of my return to Africa as
that might cut off some foreign supply that sometimes come from abroad to help
family members. Africans like it when their kids are abroad sending money back
home. They don’t mind if you scrub floors, clean toilets do 2-3 jobs to send
the cash so your return is not to their advantage.
When the woman has understanding you don’t wait for man’s approval. When God has led you, you know what you are pressing towards and man’s opinion does not matter. The first question the woman should answer is ‘’what am I pressing towards’’? If you don’t know what you should press towards man will give you something to press towards. They can put you under pressure to get you to press towards something. Get clarity from God what to press towards at each season of your life. This is step one towards your victory as you climb to your next level in God and your purpose in life. It might not look great at the beginning; you might not be fully equipped on the outside; the environment may not be conducive but follow it. Keep going; that is the way to the top; don’t try to make man happy around you; live a fulfilled life.
There are various things that can contend with our vision to press towards high things in life.
Vision versus Ambition: Vision is a clearly define plan, a goal, or a burden that has birthed in you a passion to fulfil something that God has put in you as your purpose in life. Whereas ambition is the force behind the vision this can be negative or positive. A negative ambition wants to fulfil a vision by all possible means. This negative passion pushes the woman to go to all extremes to see her ambition comes to fruition. It does not matter who gets hurts, losing integrity, forgetting the fear of God going to great lengths to see this ambition comes to pass.
The positive side of
having an ambition is the passion and force that God has put within you that
drives you to follow God's plan in God's ways. It makes you not to be satisfied
with mediocre; you pursue excellence. You are not in for comfort but for
change; you follow the vision. When a woman has a vision backed by a positive
ambition she has what it takes to press towards her high places.
A vision guides you; it
helps you not to be derailed by what anyone might put in front of you that is
not of God. Without a vision the woman won’t have a guide to press her into her
high places in life. She can’t move towards the high calling or walk in her
high places. You need a vision to press towards. Dear sister go and get a
Lack and fear: these are forces that have crippled women and caused them not to fulfill their high calling. It has left women in a state of mercy to take whatever life serves to them.
Fear is the feeling that clouds your heart and tells you, you cannot live
your dream; you can’t make it; you are not cut out for greatness; no one has
done it in your family; it’s not for you; you are not educated enough. When you
listen to these thoughts, you are setting yourself up for mediocre, living
below your potential and you will remain small. Fear starts from within and
when you allow it to take over, the ones without will show up and confirm what
you have within. DON’T FEAR! The people that do know their God shall be strong
and do exploits. It is false evidences appearing real. Research has proven that
90% of the things we fear don’t happen. Some women fear becoming big, they
allow themselves to be curbed and locked up where they can’t fly. Don’t be
where you are tolerated move to where you are celebrated.
If you allow fear to plague you, you can’t press towards the mark. There is a mark for the prize its up there waiting for you to rise towards it. Fear will weigh you down; it’s a weight that can’t allow you to fly. Drop it, you have the King of kings on the inside that has defeated the world and all that want to come against you. Rise out of fear and press towards your dream.
Lack is another great wall that has kept women in mediocre. If you are afraid to start small, grow in grace and allow God to take you up in His pace, lack will stop you from rising. You don’t have to have everything before you start pressing towards the mark. God has given you enough capacity inside to go ahead and start pressing. As long as you have faith enough to start your pressing, God is coming through to meet you. He is a great supplier, a way maker and a powerful helper in times of need. Once He has laid it in your heart and given you the vision, He is committed to supply. Take the step of faith and believe in His word to supply all your needs Phil 4:19 ‘’but my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus’’ It is He that will supply not man He will use whosoever He will. It is not according to your capital or your bank balance; it’s by who you know or what connections you have. It’s not by your skills set or your oral skills it’s by His riches in glory. Don’t allow lack to confine you into mediocre, start where you are and grow. The Lord will make a way.
The high calling and place of fulfillment and rest is found in Christ. The last bit of the verse says ‘’the high calling of God in Christ Jesus’’ the woman has to be in Christ. Stay connected to Christ for continuous grace, strength, power and ability to press. When you move out of this position you loose balance and you can’t press towards the high calling. Pressing is exerting. You need power to overcome and to prevent you from crushing while you press.
Many women who disconnect themselves from Christ
have to compromise and live a double standard to go up. It’s not worth losing
your integrity to attain some place in life. It’s not good to be fraudulent to
have money to gain respect. It’s only in Christ that the woman be fulfilled and
live God’s purpose for her life without sorrow. As the blessing of God makes
rich and adds no sorrow.
There is a high place to press towards, find it, hold on to it, stay connected to your power source and you will fulfill God's plan for your life. Keep pressing onward my sister.
God bless you keep reading
power hour mails. Please forward to someone and be a blessing.
Dearly beloved,
ReplyDeleteDon't let anything stop you from reaching the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Here is an amazing and powerful write up by Minister Regina Moore on Pressing Onward to achieve your higher heights.
May God bless you as you read...
Have a blessed week.
Sister Aije