Mark 5:25-43
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he woman we about to discuss and learn from today is a very popular woman in the New Testament. She displayed such faith and trust in Jesus when she was in desperate and hopeless situation. It is very easy for a woman to sing and dance, display joy and trust in God when everything is going well in your life.
The bills are paid, the kids are healthy, your job, business, and ministry are intact. Neither you nor your loved ones are contending with terminal illness. Your bank account is swelling and the future is looking bright. The worship leader does not need to exhort you a lot; your hands are up worshipping and praising and your heart is light.
It is however a different story when on the other side you are contending with an issue for 12 years or more. It looks like Berlin or Jericho walls; the red sea facing you with no idea of how you are going to get the other side. Like a canker worm or caterpillar eating you up from the inside, or terrorists attack on your life. It is like it never wants to leave your territory.
You have prayed from one prayer meeting to the other, fasted and gone for deliverance; waited long on the healing line and queued up endlessly to see a great man of God. Changed specialist doctors several times; travelled to another nation to seek a solution. You are now resorting to the unseen world to join a cult or seek demonic assistance as you are now at the edge.
The lady in the story has been bleeding for 12 years! It is scary to bleed out of the normal. A day or two is even too much to bleed continuously. I don't know how long you have been bleeding without a child, or a partner you have crossed forty and you are so worried. May be you have been bleeding with HIV, fibroid, ovarian cancer or a terminal illness. You are on the verge of given up. I don't know how long you you may be bleeding with a difficult child or marriage for many years and you are almost taking the divorce lane.
Whatever you’re bleeding might be, whether it is with the color, shape, size, and time of flowing in your life. You have suffered many things because of your bleeding. Mockery without a child; your finances have gone down to nothing because you have poured all you have into this flowing blood that never seems to stop its endless and hopelessness. The bible says in verse 26, she had spent all she had and was no better, but rather grew worse.

What you hear or listen to is very crucial at this time. Hearing the right words, listening to the right people, putting into your spirit man the right messages, can start your lifting process. What you fill your mind with and what you adhere to makes a lot of impact on your situation. If you fill yourself and keep listening to the right things and be around the right people who speak the right things into your life, it makes a massive difference to the way your mind perceives your situation.
This lady heard about Jesus and that triggered something in her that changed her perception and brought hope. Hearing the right things positions your hearts perception to the mode of possibilities. What she heard moved her out of her confined position.
Your bleeding might have confined you what you choose to hear can help you change position from confinement to the crowd and position you near Jesus - close to your miracle. When she heard, she made a move to meet Jesus. It is not enough to hear and sit down, hearing brings faith and faith makes moves. Rising from your situation starts from within.
It should happen inside your spirit then it flows to the outside. Yesterday I possessed my house in the spirit realm before taking it legally by the courts. The battle was won inside me before I went to physically win it. After she moved, she positioned herself behind Jesus. Most times we are positioned beside the situation that's why you can wrongly say my cancer, my diabetes, my problem my, my, my. It is not yours! Don't take it! As soon as you call it yours the enemy stamps it and give you the visa to take it. Mark 11:22 says you shall have what you say.
If you position behind Jesus from within, you will relate to the situation differently. She had the opportunity to position physically, we don't have that physical opportunity but you can position your heart you can switch positions inside. Get away from what you see, feel or the facts that are facing you. When you position your heart in the right place, you now have the opportunity, the chance and the moment is here to make the touch! Verse 28 says "if only I may touch His clothes".
This is hope speaking in hopelessness. You should look at your bleeding situation and call it what you desire. Never call it what you see as it will remain like that. Call it what you want it to be. Like barrenness - mother of children; free from cancer; happily married woman; healthy kids; peaceful home; wonderful husband; turn around situation; miracle healing; wonderful finances; crumbled mountain; God’s visitation on my situation.
She said if I may touch His clothes I shall be made well. She made her move she walked her talk made her move and touched Him. It is time to make your move; you have been bleeding for too long. Enough is enough. It is time out for this situation and for this season to come to an end. It is turn around moment, breakthrough hour. Rise and make your touch my sister!
The beautiful end of this chapter is that she was healed. The preceding story was more hopeless, far worse than this woman's one. She was bleeding but still alive but the ruler of the synagogues daughter was dead! The man was told not to bother troubling Jesus anymore, "don't trouble the teacher further" she is now dead!
Maybe your own situation has digress to the synagogues daughters state - everything is dead; marriage dead; your womb’s dead; terminal illness unto death; you are on life support. Listen to what Jesus said to the ruler in verse 36 "don't be afraid”. He is saying the same to you today - don’t fear only believe! Don't fear dead situations. Believe they are coming back to life.
We serve a resurrected Lord whom death could not hold captive. Even in the grave HE IS LORD! Jesus choose some special disciples to go with Him to the rulers’ house. Take note He did not take all His disciples. Verse 37, He permitted no one to follow him except Peter, James, and John, (sons of thunder). When your situation is dead, don't carry around, or parley with people who will confirm the death for you. Doubters of resurrection, look for yours Peter, James, and John, to go with you to the mortuary, cemetery, or anywhere in your life the dead lies.
Passing through the commotion of mourners, ridicules, Jesus put all these people outside. Jesus passed through all these people before He went in to speak His TALITHACUMI! Translated little girl arise and walk! It is your turn to speak your own TALITHACUMI. Your dead situation is a little girl that Jesus can resurrect. Do not be afraid, only believe. WHAT IS YOUR ISSUE OF BLOOD? It can be stopped!
Its time out for those long standing tough situations that want to send you to an early grave God wants to intervene pls read and be lifted
ReplyDeleteWhat a powerful write up! Thank you Minister Regina for sharing with us this powerful life transforming message from the Lord.
ReplyDeleteThere were many people who touched Jesus but did not get healed. The difference between them and this woman was faith! Her faith in Jesus healed her. We like this woman must have faith that only Jesus can and will turn our sour situations around and give life to our dead situations.
God bless!