Sunday, 23 October 2011

The Christian Woman & Contraceptives Part 2 By Khadi Forna-Tucker Power Hour Team

In our last discussion on this all sensitive topic, we laid some foundations which we will build upon today. If you have missed part 1 please go to to keep up with what we are discussing today.
The natural method of contraception involves abstaining from sexual intercourse during the period each month when the wife is most fertile, and thus most likely to fall pregnant. If properly and carefully calculated, the rhythm method is generally very effective. Few contraceptive methods can be said to be 100% effective all the time; but it has been calculated that the rhythm method is effective 85-90% of the time. There is certainly nothing sinful whatsoever about using this natural method of contraception. Some have argued against it because it means the couple must abstain from sexual relations for a period of time every month, but this is a very faulty argument i
ndeed. 1 Cor.7:5 say that during periods of special fasting and prayer, the Christian couple should abstain from sexual intercourse anyway, so not only is there nothing wrong with abstinence for a time, but it is commanded. 
2) Coitus Interruptus:

This was what Onan did as we read on part one. It is a traditional contraceptive method, probably almost as old as the human race itself. The idea behind this is that sperm do not enter the woman’s body, and thus fertilization (conception) is prevented. In reality, however, it is not very effective, for sperm will often succeed in entering. It is certainly not murder, for life only begins at conception, and it is not sinful, but it is certainly a very unreliable form of contraception.

3) Male Condoms:

Condoms of one sort or another have been used for many centuries. Not surprisingly, they were often very primitive and thus very ineffective. Modern-day condoms are, however, as a general rule, extremely effective in preventing conception from occurring (although manufacturing defects do occur). They also have no harmful side effects. Biblically, there is nothing whatsoever to indicate that the use of this particular contraceptive method is sinful. It merely prevents conception from taking place.

3) Female Condoms:

These thin plastic sheaths basically work in the same way as male condoms: they prevent sperm from reaching the female reproductive tract, and thus they prevent conception from occurring. There is nothing sinful about their use.

4) Diaphragms:

A diaphragm is a latex cup which covers the cervix, and prevents sperm from reaching the uterus and the fallopian tubes (i.e. the upper reproductive tract).  Again, as the purpose of this contraceptive method is simply to prevent conception from actually occurring, there is nothing sinful about its use. In essence, it has the same purpose as a condom.

5) Spermicides:

Spermicides are chemicals that inactivate or kill sperm. They come in various forms: aerosols (foams), creams, vaginal tablets, dissolvable films. They cause the membrane of the sperm cell to break, which decreases sperm movement and the ability of the sperm to fertilize the egg. Although, as with condoms and diaphragms, the purpose of Spermicides is to prevent conception from  taking place, some possible side-effects have to be carefully considered (some women who use them experience allergies, irritations, and urinary tract infections). If, in order to have sexual intercourse, a woman has to harm her body in the process, this is surely not right! Every Christian should be very careful about putting man-made chemicals into the body on a -term, regular basis, when it is not necessary for health. As Christians, we must take care of the bodies the Lord has given us. We are trusting God to increase your knowledge on this topic so you can prayerfully make an informed choice. For more on this topic visit

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