Wednesday, 17 April 2019

The Samaritan Woman - if you know about.. and who...

Women’s Power Hour
Kick off Your Day

 *Devotional for Women*

Topic – The Samaritan Woman - if you know about.. and who...

Scripture: JOHN‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭AMP‬‬

“Jesus answered her, “If you knew [about] God’s gift [of eternal life], and who it is who says, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him [instead], and He would have given you living water (eternal life).”
So, yesterday I told you that in response to Jesus’ request to give him a drink, this woman immediately became argumentative. 😨😨. She didn’t even consider her past or present status, but rather, seeing that Jesus was a Jew and knowing how the Jews and Samaritans didn’t get on, she was basically asking Jesus in our modern time term: ‘why are you talking to me?’

She immediately put up a barrier. Jesus’ response to her, is shown in the opening verse above.

The woman clearly didn’t know about God’s gift and who it was that was presenting  her with this gift. If she did, she would have responded differently.

What she had been looking for all her life, was,  right there, being made available to her, by the only one (God), who could give it to her.

Did she jump at this opportunity? Sadly, not! 😨😨. She argued some more 😱😱!!!. Pause. I will talk about this, in tomorrow’s devotional.

Dear sisters, when Jesus walked on earth during those days, not many people knew that he was God. This was first revealed to us when the Angel Gabriel announced his birth. Angel Gabriel said ‘His name shall be called Emmanuel, meaning ‘ God with us’. Jesus is also revealed to us in the scriptures as God the Son or the Son of God. God was in Jesus reconciling the world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:19)

This same Jesus, lives in everyone who is born again (has believed in him and received him as their Lord and Savior). Such a person can come from any nation, tribe or tongue and can be any age or gender.

Dear sisters you don’t know who God will use to bring you the answers to your prayers. It could be through the very person/ people who,  because of your negative preconceived ideas or pride, you decided is/ are not in your ‘league’ or ‘class’.  If you are prejudice, you could miss your opportunity or even destiny.

Being prejudiced, is a form of pride. It can express itself in so many ways. Pride is a sin. Please get rid of it and or avoid it.


Dear Lord Jesus, please help me to set aside any form of pride that expresses itself as prejudice and, in its place, help me to replace it with humility, so that I don’t miss you in whatever way you come to me. Amen

 *Bible Study Plans*
Leviticus 11  Exodus 30 Acts 11

 *Words for Wise Woman*

 A humble woman does not miss her opportunities.

 *©️Aije Barnes WPH *

Days Count 209

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