Compassionate like Christ
Most people don't even notice As they walk on by, They don't even acknowledge that poor homeless guy. To them he's just another part of the scene, They think he's just another alchie or fiend. They'd never guess all the places he's been or all of the things his eyes have seen. Won't someone stop and lend him a hand, look at the guy he can't even stand. | Lord, how can I help, just what can I do? "Extend your hand, it should be easy for you, give him your meal, a coat and a smile, bless him with love, let him know he's not bile. Tell him he's loved, he's special, that I care, and at times it seemed as though life wasn't fair, but it's not my fault, the devil's the thief, he's the one who's caused all of his grief. But I'm calling him now to choose Me and live, another opportunity I may not give". |
Christ is compassionate in every way. After all we hear in the gospels how Jesus had compassion on the multitude, fed & healed them (please refer to Mat 14:14, Mat 15:32, Mark 6:34, & Mark 8:2). We are called to be the hands & feet of Jesus, we are called to walk in the same manner of love & compassion towards all, no matter their social status or standing. Jesus came so that all would receive His mercy, forgiveness, compassion & healing.
I see it so many times, how people are coming out of the train stations & step right over the guy sitting outside just because he is derelict, without a place to sleep, or food, and they have their own ideas of how he got there in the first place. Even if the man does have an alchahol problem or drug problem, Jesus didn't say get cleaned up, and then I will save, heal, provide for you. No, His Words were "come just as you are". No matter what it was that got that person into their current situation, it is not for us to judge them.
Can we stop looking at outward appearances? Okay, so the man is grubby from head to toe, so the man smells like the bottom of a rubbish shoot, but maybe you would too if you'd been sleeping rough. We have all been in some pretty rotten places in our lives before we came to Christ, & just because the man is grubby, & smells funny, it does not make him exempt from receiving the free gift of eternal life. Jesus clearly states that anyone who calls upon His name He will by no means cast away (John 6:37). Freely you have received your salvation, freely you should offer the same opportunity to another (Math 10:8).
Jesus' very own words were that those who are well have no need of a physician (Math 9:12, Mark 2:17, Luke 5:31), obviously that homeless guy is not well, so he is in need of the great Physician Jesus. Why not throw him a lifeline?
I want to urge each & every one of us (myself included) to take these words into consideration carefully, after all, you may just be a lifeline to somebody, & you never know who they might turn out to be in Christ! I know, I used to be one of those homeless, derelict, addicted, sick, homeless people!
Back when I was just 19yrs old, I burried my 2yr old son, & had a 2month old daughter who I was no longer able to care for due to the severity of my grief. My sister moved out with the baby, & I was left homeless (during this time of homelessness was when my addiction to drugs became paramount above all else). Although my sister moved out with the baby, she never stopped praying for me along with one of her best friends from church. They were faithful to pray everyday for me, & let me tell you friends, I believe it was the prayers of those people that went up to throne room for yrs that God honored & brought me out of my situation. Little did those prayer warriors know who I would turn out to be in Christ. Little did they know that I was called from childhood to serve the Lord, or that I would have a part to play in the revival of a nation. Little did they know that I would end up being a forerunner for Christ. Little did they know that I would end up paving the way for my entire family.
So, you see, you never know who it is that you keep passing by on your way to & from work everyday. Stop, bless him(or her) with the Good News, a meal, an extra coat that is just hanging in your wardrobe, and if you feel led, even your small pocket change, & if you can do nothing else, by all means, pray for their salvation. They may just turn out to be the next Benny Hinn!!
Let's take a moment and pray:

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I repent of my judgemental attitude towards those who are less fortunate than myself, I ask that you wash me clean with Your precious blood that was shed for all. Father God, in the name of Jesus, I ask you to help me see people as you see them, without prejudice, after all, Lord, your Word says that" anyone who calls upon my name, I will by no means cast away". Father, help me to walk in the same manner of love & compassion as You, & where I have extra clothing, hygiene items, or food, help me to find a place that it will be well appreciated & put to good use for the glory of Your holy name. Help me Lord, to do unto others as though doing unto You personally because Your Word says that when we do for the least of these is when we have done unto You, our Saviour! I thank you Lord, for opening my eyes to see all people as you see them from this day forward, in the mighty name of Jesus, amen & amen.
I pray today that you will be blessed to be a blessing in the name of Jesus.
Eternal blessings in Christ
Dear Women of God,
ReplyDeleteGod showed and still shows compassion to us and we must also show it to others. Here is a great testimony and a powerful ministration about the Compassion of Christ.
God bless you!
Minister Aije