Righteousness is the ability to stand in the presence of God without a sense of guilt or inferiority. It means to be in right standing with God.

The amazing truth is that even after He puts man in charge and we betrayed His trust at the Garden of Eden, out of the abundance of His love, He forgave us and began to work out a redemption plan.
The Psalmist said: “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases; who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies; who satisfies your mouth with good things; so that your youth is renewed in the same manner as the eagle’s” Psalm 103 verses 1 to 5. |

What a well thought out, all rounded plan! It looks like a carefully baked cake. And the icing: He satisfies your mouth with good things. How exciting!!! What an awesome God! What a caring father! What a righteous judge!
He has not dealt with us according to our works while we were dead in sin and held bound by the Adamic nature of deceit; disobedience; and sin. Rather, He has justified us through the finished work at Calvary . Hallelujah! We have now been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
But sisters are we still deceitful? Pause and think deeply. Search within before answering that question. Please ask yourself - Who have I deceived lately? – my husband; my children; my neighbor; my employer; my employees; my friends; my pastors; my leaders; the government; the tax man; the council; and the list goes on. Whoever it is and irrespective of the circumstances, repent and make amends. God would love you for it. And He would reward you for making Him smile once more. Just remember, how we smile in happiness as our children makes right, their wrong. It is the same with our loving, caring heavenly Father. He will rejoice over you with singing.
Now, have you considered the partial obedience or outright disobedience? Don’t give that innocent look. You know exactly what it is. Don’t overlook it, confront it and ask God to give you grace and strengthen you to do what is right. He is indeed a rewarder of our diligence.
God knew the importance of being righteous. He knew we cannot go through life successfully and error-free by our own strength, determination or self-will. That was why on completion, we became the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
Therefore sisters, let us continue; progress; press in; and pursue righteousness.
Righteousness is a force. And believe me – it is a force to reckon with, to be successful in this year 2012. As it is written the force of righteousness shall be peace, and the effect of righteousness shall be quietness and assurance forever.
Enter into your quiet pasture, by the still waters, assured of His grace. Pursue righteousness.
To be continued….
Bible References: Romans 3:23; Genesis 1:26 – 29; Genesis 2: 8 – 16; Genesis 3; 8 – 21; Romans 6:23; Isaiah 1:19; II Corinthian 10:6; Numbers 23:19; Hebrews 13:8; Zephaniah 3:17; Hebrews 11:6; Proverbs 22:28; II Corinthians 5:21; Isaiah 32:17.
Pursuing righteousness is a choice we make to trust in Jesus and no longer ourselves - He will never fail us! The Lord loves those who pursue righteouness (Prov 15:9)