n our last issue of the established woman we were looking at building good foundations for establishing our homes. To catch up on these series please go to womenspowerhour.blogspot.com then you can follow on with this issue.
Proverbs 24:3- : Through wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established. By knowledge the rooms are filled with precious and pleasant riches.
Learning to keep quiet and listen more is a challenging attitude for women to develop. We most times want to be heard. Learning to be quiet helps you to know what is going on in the other person’s life. How they are feeling about the same issue. Women talk a lot so we don’t hear, we always want to be heard, listen to and be pampered. Men have some needs as well, let’s listen to them. 
Sex: The issue of healthy sex life can be sorted when good communication is in place. There is nothing wrong in teaching each other and becoming better at the game each time. In marriage counselling we were taught to pray before having sex. We laughed at the idea and joked about it but it’s a good advice. Forgetting the Holy Spirit is the best teacher and when He comes into an issue, you will be sure to be a professional. Don’t be shy to ask for His wisdom in that area. There are very good and healthy Christian books on this issue. Women are sometimes shy to buy these books, too shy to even talk about it in women’s meetings. Not all Pastors are comfortable to deal with it from the pulpit. You have your issues so you seek the necessary help. Inbox us we are blessed with a Christian sexual health Nurse in the Power Hour Team. It’s an area that needs serious looking after. So many other things fall into place when sex is sorted. Quarrels end, joy returns, everyone is happy. Hubby is more creative as I learn that men who are sexually satisfied are more creative. Women who are sexually satisfied are less quarrelsome and contentious. Poor sexual life is one of the reasons for a contentious woman. Sisters don’t be shy to ask, seek, and knock. Read and learn to be a pro on this. It’s an integral part of building a stable home.
Money: This is the issue of the hour. Many homes are wrecked, turned apart, broken or very unstable because of unsorted financial issues. Finances are not handled the right way. It has caused so much hurt, bitterness and lack of trust in the relationship. Some cases the money never changes to ‘’OUR MONEY’’. It still remains my money even after we change our names to theirs. Some women have experienced hell with the husband mismanaging the family finances therefore they decided enough hurts they hold on to their monies ‘’MY MONEY’’. Some husbands too are tired of wasteful and unwise spending on the part of the woman they have decided to do the ‘’MY MONEY’’ thing.
These issues have to be ironed out. If there must be any healthy financial head way in the home. We learnt it the hard way. We hated the unrest, tension and marriage instability it was bringing into the home. We made a choice to sort that devil out and prepare for healthy finances.
It’s best to do what works for your family setting. As everyone has a unique family setting. If you can manage a joint account great. If it causes problems and you can do better without it go ahead. If you choose to do 50-50 on bills fine. If daddy choose to take all the responsibilities and allows mummy to spend her own money as she decides fine. If you decide to run family expenses on a budget that you both contribute to great. It’s a matter of what works for your family setting that’s what you have to find out. As you discover the peaceful financial path walk in it and get out of the money war zone.
May the Lord help us to establish our homes with wisdom. As by wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established. A wise woman with her own hands built her house but the foolish tears it down. God bless you. Keep reading Power Hour mails.
Communication, sex and money are serious issues in establishing our homes. Its time to sort out serious matters that are bringing in unrest in the home front take time out to read and forward to a friend