Many times we see who we are but do not know what we've got. Mtw 25 14-30 tells us of the parable of gifts. The man with one talent did not even try to discover what he was given or who he was.
Are you one of those people who can sing? You want to release a record but haven't even got one demo done. You are seeking how to get this dream financed? While waiting to get this done, why not stir up the gift in you? You've got something else even more in you. Just don't wait! Try what other people see in you. Start with the little you have. It is great! I've done and it worked!
When God is in it, He will use anyone who is ready to yield to his calling. If you are a cleaner you can be a great counsellor. Do not limit your experience or youeself. One word from you might change someone else's mind set on aspects of life.
As a worshiper do I have to wait to book an appointintment with my Pastor before I pray healing over a loved friend? No! I prayed and God healed. He did! She testified! I tried and God honoured His word! Thank you Lord.
Dear Great Women of God,
ReplyDeleteYou will not know what great talents you have until you step out in faith and make use of the opportunities available to you. Do not under-estimate the gifts you you have. As you enter this week and begin to prepare for stepping into the New Year, begin to start working with whatever gift/s you have and just see what God will do in your lives!
The world is waiting for you!
May God Bless you as you step out in faith!
Aije Barnes
Assistant WPH Group Pioneer