Cross Over Prayer and Fasting Week 3
15th- 21st December 2011
Day 1:
Passage to Read: - Proverbs Chapters 26&27, Road to Maturity Course: - Page 15
Prayer Points – Great Britain /your country:- pray for your president/ prime minister,. Ask God for peace and tranquility. Warfare against territorial spirits, surrounding your country with warring angels, the blood of Jesus and Gods protection. God against any spirit that hinders your country’s progress. Corruption, tribalism, nepotism and any other spirit God shows you that want to stop your nation from rising.
Pray for the Monarchy/your government:- as they deliberate in law and decision making mayGod grant wisdom for good governance and execution of the rule of law be in Gods way.
Laws: pray that government laws will favour the church and not hinder Gods work in your country. That God will raise people in parliament that will stand for His name. Pray for boldness and wisdom for Christian politicians (Plus any other thanksgiving the Holy Spirit will show you)
Day 2
Passage to Read: Proverbs Chapters 28&29, 1 John chapters 1&2
Prayer Points- Pray for Medway Towns/ the part of the country you are living:- Pray for the member of parliament for your area (Rehman Chisti) pray for development and the projects they are embarking on for the regeneration process to be successful. Pray for peace and unity among the people he works with. For success in their endeavours.
Peace for the Olympic/ pray for any upcoming big event in your area that will be of national interest: - pray for peace and come against the plans of the enemy. Pray for a successful program.
Pray for the churches in Medway/churches in your area: - for Gods visitation upon your congregation and Gods manifest presence, power, signs and wonders in the midst of Gods people to pull the heathen to himself. Pray for increase light in the word of faith, growth in the congregations, spiritual and financial growth. Pray that churches will be vision focus. For Gods great provision in meeting the needs of the church. For grace, wisdom, strength for the Pastors and their families.(Plus whatever the Holy Spirit will let u pray about)
Day 3
Passage to Read: - Proverbs Chapters 30 &31, 1 John chapters 3&4
Prayer Points - Your congregation:-pray specifically for your congregation and speak what you want to see in 2012
Departments :- pray for the various departments in your church and their leadership for God to do more in their mist next year.
Your Department of service/ pray for God to lead you to join one next year:- for God to increase you in the place of service that you will be a tremendous
blessing next year you will operate with such maturity and clarity in your place
of service to God
(Plus whatever the Holy Spirit will let u pray about)
Day 4
Day 4
Passage to Read: - 1 John 5
Prayer Points– Speaking into 2012 :-from January – December call favour, health, light, wealth, destiny helpers, wisdom, discernment, knowledge, understanding, abundance, protection, God mighty hand over you. Etc
Dedicate the year to the Lord:- In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit ask God to be your Lord in 2012.
Turn over your life & Activities:- Put all your activities that surround your life, family, and ministry unto Him to be the Lord.(Plus whatever the Holy Spirit will let u pray about)
Day 5
Passage to Read: - 2 John 1
Prayer Points: Speak into the year: - continue to speak into the year ask land to yield to you, speak into the spiritual atmosphere of 2012 to favour.
Call forth: - call forth all that God has for you in 2012, unlock doors, open gates, turn keys.
Intervention: - Ask for Gods intervention on all that concerns you.
Improvements: - Ask God to lead you into great business improvements in 2012. (Plus whatever the Holy Spirit will let u pray about)
Day 6
Passage to Read: - 3 John 1,
Prayer Points – speak over your kids -: Speak into their lives all you want to see in 2012
Speak favour: -speak favour on every side and call forth manifestations of answered prayers
Clear the air spiritually: - Clear every Persian prince that wants to stand against answers to your prayers and every breakthrough
Uncommon manifestations: Ask God for uncommon testimonies, uncommon victories, mouth opening and eye popping, release of God’s blessings in 2012.
Bless your home country: - ask God to release blessings upon your country through, your prayers.
(Plus whatever the Holy Spirit will let u pray about)
Day 7
Passage to Read: - Psalm 150 & 149
Prayer Points: - Time of thanksgiving and praises unto God sing, dance, praise His
name for accomplishing great things your life and for what He will do next year .
(Plus whatever the Holy Spirit will let you give thanks for)
IMPORTANT: If your live in Kent United Kingdom please join us for theCo-operate prayer on Monday 19th December at Gillingham Baptist Church
Gillingham, Kent from 6-7:30 90 minutes Power Time of Word, Worship and
Prayers don’t miss out its going to be awesome.
Keep the fire burning this is the last week you are more than a conqueror you can make it to the end. His strength is in you. Go to the finish line.