One of the definitions of worship in the dictionary is, "reverence honour and homage paid to God". This
definition of worship relates to God's word which says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Therefore the act of fearing God in this manner is a form of worship.
Every issue, circumstance, mountain, trouble, distress, illness, calamity, oppression or depression and even personal pleasures or distractions are under Him. He is above and before all! So to worship Him is to acknowledge Him as the Almighty in all things and in doing so, you begin to acquire wisdom. This wisdom enables you to honour Him reverently and recognise that what He says goes. There is nothing too difficult for Him to do for you. His word will not return to Him void as it must accomplish that which He has sent it to do. Worship is also a dialogue between God and us. It also involves serving Him.
God reveals Himself to us when we worship Him. The other form of worship is serving God. You do this by obeying God's word. When you do this you are offering up your life as a living sacrifice to Him. Rom 12 v 1 shows that offering our bodies to God as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God is an act of worship.
You can serve God by the way you relate to other people whether fellow Christians or non Christians as an act of worship to God.
The bible says- But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16 NKJV) Luke 10 v 25-28 says Love the Lord with all your heart, might and strength. This is also an Act of worship.
Encouraging other Christians in the Lord is also an act of worship . Our worship should include and affect every area of our lives. God wants us to worship Him with all of our hearts not just our lips. He wants us to be recognised as his children everywhere and in everything in our worship.
Worship must be done in love otherwise it will not glorify God. The bible says "But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful." (Colossians 3:14, 15 NKJV)
When you do this, you will begin to recognise God as the Prince of Peace in your life as He will grant you the peace that passes all understanding.
There are 3 tests to check whether you are worshiping God: Does it glorify God? Does it encourage others? Are you doing it in love? Let us worship God in spirit an in truth John 4 v 20 - 24 (part) - this is the Act of true Worship!
God created us to worship Him. Worship is not only an act, it is a lifestyle. Let it be yours as the Lord commands.
When we lift up our hands, and hearts do we really know what we are doing?
ReplyDeleteHave you ever try to dig out what true WORSHIP is ? Find out by reading this weeks Power Archive with minster Aije Barnes