Thursday 10 October 2024

Signs you should intensify prayers for your husband

1. When he takes prayers carelessly and is not motivated to pray even when there is a real reason to do so.  When prayers becomes a chore other than a joy to speak to God, when he gives you excuses why he will not be able to pray and this happens continuously. When you have spiritual warfare right at your door  and this man refuses to rise up and pray. When you see spiritual needs treated carelessly and Gods           principles are being compromised without remorse and accountability. When disobedience to Gods         word is very trivial. When he makes YOU his excuse why he is not praying then you must know an enemy is about to strike your man WAKE UP!

2. ⁠When he is not listening to counselors and treats advisers with levity: If your man does not not listen to anyone with respect enough to obey their God led advice upon his life, if he does not respect His counselors enough to take their calls or return them. When there is no one he adhere's to, when you notice nobody can get to him he is isolated and being set up for destruction WAKE UP and pray for your man!
3. ⁠When he deliberately hurts you and don’t apologize: when compassion level is zero, he blatantly tells you when he hurts you ''am not apologizing to you'' even with tears in your eyes he does not feel for your pain, even if you cry whole night beside him sleeping, he is never conscious of your pain he distance himself from what you are going through, your feelings are no more his concern WAKE UP and pray for your man!
4. ⁠When he gaslights you frequently and make you feel like you are insane in your thinking something has changed in that man: when gaslighting becomes the order of the day, he twists issues and make it your fault, he turns every issue over to you as being the causer, he makes you doubt yourself if you are thinking right. He magnifies little issues that can be easily solved or over looked with one am sorry. WAKE UP and pray for your man!
5. ⁠When spiritual warfare is looked upon with dismay and he does not take action even when demons are in his territory: any time a man refuses to fight spiritual warfare with you, especially when it concerns the family or someone close, he always like to pass the box over to you, is not taking responsibilities for the spiritual well being of yours and the family. He distance himself from his spiritual responsibilities as a priest even tho you have encouraged and do all the right things WAKE UP and pray for your man!
6. ⁠When he refused to make peace with his wife and continues in malice for many months on end: when breaking communication is the order of the day and has now become a life style, every issue will result in a malice and break in communication and this continuous for a long time and if you don't try to make the peace he will keep it that way forever. WAKE UP and pray for your man!

7. ⁠When he starts to keep his phone from you which was never your style in the relationship, openness is lost: when he hides everything that is happening around him from you he does not tell you most things, he hides a lot and that includes his phone and electronic messages. when you try to ask about things you get a quarrel instead of an answer. no matter how lovingly you ask them.  Your questions are now becoming a bore and a chore that he dodges you all round and even left the house in the morning without good byes, he comes to bed when you are asleep so you will not have the opportunity to ask him anything then he leaves the house at the slightest argument, WAKE UP and pray for your man!

8. ⁠When he continuously return home late without any explanation and your inquiry brings trouble for you: when work is much more important than your marriage relationship which you have always prioritize before but now is no more important. When your calls are not returned or messages treated with disdain. when he will not tell you about his late work plans except when you ask or when he is already doing the late work then he will say when you ask. Inquiring about his whereabouts brings you trouble WAKE UP and pray for your man!
9. ⁠When he starts treating you adversely different from your early years when it’s not a positive growth change but a negative change: when you notice a striking change in his behavior towards you showing hate other than love, looking for opportunities to hurt you other than love you, he is leaving his former positive character that once pull you towards him and he is decreasing in growth and positive attitude towards you. He shows unwillingness to adapt, to change, or  to tweek his behavior that will help your relationship move up in a better footing. When he refuses to do what is good to the marriage and is slow or never making good decisions that will help your marriage.
10. ⁠When your feelings are ignored and nothing about your pain touches him to change: when you husband does not give you listening ears and is unwilling to listen to your feelings wither they are hurtful or otherwise, when he does not pay attention to what is important to you, when he prefers others to you, doing people pleasing at your expense, when his body language and attitude tells you he don't care about you and has dare to say it '' lets go our seperate ways'' or he has hurt you so much that you have to ask for the seperation to keep sane WAKE UP and pray for your man!
Regina Peters-Moore

Friday 19 January 2024

Preparation Success Articles Pt 3 Focus is the word


Preparation Success Articleles

By Regina Peters-Moore

Group Pioneer WPH


Focus Part 1


In this all important topic of focus we will be looking at the following sub topics to further understand the power of Focus.


              What is to Focus?

              How to effectively focus?

              Minding my business

              Understanding what you want for your self

              Document it

              Break it into bite sizes


We will also look at these

              Applying Motion

              Moving your vision.


              Life challenges


Lets define Focus as Setting your heart and mind to do something, to become something, or to achieve something, to go somewhere with your life. Not allowing anything   that is happening around you to distract you from facing that thing until you get the desired result. 


How to Effectively focus

First you must Know what you want to focus on. There are various things calling for your attention they can be seemingly important but you have to make up your mind what you want to focus on. Secondly face one thing at a time. You can have many goals all around your life you have to choose one at a time to focus on so you can get desired results. Thirdly be determined, without a determined heart you can’t make much progress. Next watch out for distractions they are all around you you must be sensitive to so called distractions put everything in their rightful place in your schedule so you can focus one at a time without being distracted on every side.


You must understand that focus is an activity not

 do it inculcate the activity not a passive word it is an active word it is a doing word a verb.  So you have to take action to focus do what it takes to focus. You must be able to measure your result per time so you can know how far you have gone what progress you have made and what next you should do.


The other important thing that will help you to focus is to MIND YOUR BUSINESS. Know what you want for your self, Forget about other peoples achievements, Stop looking around peoples lives, our destinations differ in life, face what you should be facing follow your planned route and set your face like a flint and focus.


Part 2 continues.

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Saturday 13 January 2024

Preparation Success Articles pt2A How to be vision minded

                                                         Preparation Success Articles pt2A

By Regina Peters-Moore

Group Pioneer WPH


Vision Mindedness Part 2

We are looking at the character and lifestyle and choices of the vision minded woman. Please read part 1 of this article.


She is humble and willing to learn from others not wittingly trying to source their knowledge by cunningness. She is Not afraid of competition, not worried about the successes around her, she is focused on her journey. She gives out her wealth of knowledge and experiences to better other peoples lives. She raises others, she believes in you when you dont believe in your self.


The management of time in a vision minded woman is of essence in the visionary woman’s mind, She is planner, a scheduler, and an organizer, She does not eat the bread of idleness. She understands that time is a life mover and it does not wait.


She knows what she wants to achieve per time in her life’s schedule. At 35 I want this, at 40 I should be here at 50 I want to be here If it does not happen because the divine over rules all things she moves by the spirit.


The Determination factor of the vision minded woman is one to emulate. She has a fighting spirit, she dont take no just like that, she does not give up, she keeps trying again. She knows how to stand for what she believes.  People dont just toss her here and there she knows her way  and her route to her destination in life. She follows her plan to fruition.


The Vision minded woman’s attitude towards challenges is different because  she watches life from another lenses. She finds purpose in pain, she finds the bright side of darkness, She grows steel back bones for life challenges, she wipes her tears fast and does not do pity party


 She holds on to God in difficult times for strength and courage, She does not give up in faith or turn her back on God when things does not go as planned she lets God be God in all sides of life outcomes.


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Prepration Success Articles Pt2 How to be Vision Mininded

                                                              Preparation Success Articles pt2

By Regina Peters-Moore

Group Pioneer WPH


Vision Mindedness Part 1


In this article we will Define the vision minded woman, we will look at her character, Her Life style, her management of time, her determination and her Attitude towards challenges.

Vision mindedness is a  state of having something in your minds eye, having what you are running with per time, per season, or per chapter in your life’s history. No vision life is stagnant, no vision life is not meaningful, no vision nothing to look forward to. Vision adds excitement to life, it adds color to your life, it keeps things moving in your life from one stage to another.


To be vision minded is  a growth stage in life, the size of your vision is determined by your faith, maturity, education, and capacity being built over time. Your maturity level is key, you must care to dare in life. Your spiritual depths will also help to prepare you for a vision.


The Character of a vision minded woman is one of growth on various fronts. She is spiritual and has a relationship with God, she knows what she wants in life therefore she is not in the business of trying out this or that to see which works, she understands her seasons and her times.


This woman knows what she should be doing in what season of her life.

Every season has its stage and what should be going on  in this woman’s life. At baby, toddler, child, adolescence, young adult, an adult, a lady, a woman, womanhood, coach, mentor, consultant, leader, influencer, legacy leaver.


As she ages and grow she change seasons she drop off some things and pick up some things she walks with God to know the turns and twists, the curves and bends of life,  she  has understanding of a divine interruption, she has a lifestyle of seriousness

She is conscious to do other things out side her vision, like play and recreate, go on vacation, go watch movies enjoy the other side of life to balance vision mindedness.


She chooses her friends people  of like minds, she does not only choose like minded friends but she also get people who do what you can’t do that is getting people who can help you access your limitations, She gets people in your life that dont fear where she is  going. Please read part two of this article.


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Preparation Success Articles Pt1A Whats the big deal about goals?

                                                                    Preparation Success Articles

By Regina Peters-Moore

Group Pioneer WPH 




 Goals Part 2

Your next can be you HEALTH GOALS without this all other goals can’t move if your life is not on a healthy note you cannot run with any vision, therefor you must take your health goals serious along side other goals. This can include your life of Exercise, going to the gym, walking, your eating habits , weight loss dieting, Check ups

Learning how to live a stress free/lessen your stressful life style. These goals are key work them so you can live to do the other goals. 


Your FINANCIAL GOALS can be next. Money forms a key area in your life therefore these goals around finances must be put to work. They can include having a Savings Culture Open the savings account without procrastination.

Get that cash box or Piggy bank and start the depositing daily or weekly or monthly work what you decide. How much do you want to save? When? monthly, weekly, quarterly

Spiritual giving: step up your offering this is an open door to enrich your finances start paying your tithes don’t mind the myths they want to put around it they want to keep you poor so they try to stop you from paying your tithe. Financial improvement plan work on it, start a business, get that 2nd job, find the Online hustle, get the 2nd income, and Improve your commercial life.


SELF DEVELOPMENT GOALS, this is key to help you go up and take on new goals and build capacity for greater things. This can include improving your self, having a reading culture, doing a course online or on ground, attend seminars, workshops/conferences of interest to your purpose, Mental development, Career growth, Learning a new language, Learning an instrument, Learning ICT improvements in your career.


 Next is your RELATIONSHIP GOALS, Where am I in my relationship? Am I in the Dating stage, Courting or am I marriage ready? What is lacking in my relationship?  How is our Communication? Are we having Money fights? Are we having differences in Family planning? What improvements do you want to see? What stage do you want to move to next?


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Preparation Success Part 1 Whats the big deal about Goals?

                                                                                         Preparation Success Articles-Pt1

By Regina Peters-Moore

Group Pioneer WPH


Goals Part 1

Forming a good habit to succeed in a new year begins with setting up your goals. It is not a tradition, or doing what everyone is trying to do its a way of keeping your self on track to achieving your desires. 


Some of the reasons why we set goals are to have a clarity in decision making, to have direction, to help you have good time management, help you focus, goals give you control of your life’s journey, they are confidence boosters, goals give you a reason to connect with the right people to support you to where you want to go. Goals motivate you with confidence and connection to help you achieve your desires. Goals also gives you persistence and helps you to reflect and evaluate your achievements. 


There are many types of goals you can set but the first thing in mind is for them to be SMART GOALS. That is they must be SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVEABLE, REALISTIC AND TIME BOUND. With these in mind they guide you as you decide on the goals you are making. 


You are make as many goals as you want and as little as you can manage. Even one goal is a journey forward than no goals at all. These are some examples of areas you can set your goals.  Spiritual goals, Health goals Community goals,

Financial goals National goals, Self development goals, Business goals, Relationship goals,  personal vision, Marriage goals, Ministry goals,

Family goals and more. 


The first goal we want to look at is your SPIRITUAL GOAL it is the center of all other goals. God is the author of our lives and when we give him his due place in our journey he works and walks with us to see that all things fall in place according to His purpose and plan for  your life.  This goal can further include your Prayer life, your bible Study, getting you to Understand the will of God, knowing the mind of God for the new year. This goal can also have Ministry Goals and Kingdom vision. 


Putting on Spiritual stamina can also be a part of this goal. Put your spiritual goals in motion, work the talk and see your progress unleash in many other areas of your life. On the Next article we will look at breaking down these goals and see what they entail to benefit you as you try to achieve them.



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Sunday 21 April 2019

The Samaritan Woman - Can this be the Christ?

Women’s Power Hour
Kick off Your Day

 *Devotional for Women*

Topic – The Samaritan Woman - Can this be the Christ?

Scripture: JOHN‬ ‭4:29‬ ‭AMP‬‬

““Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done! Can this be the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed)?””

We recall from yesterday’s devotional that Jesus clearly told the woman that he is Christ the Messiah.

So the answers my two questions yesterday, which were, ‘after all this, what was her response to Jesus? And, Did she actually believe for herself? Are shown below:

Answer number one
As soon as Jesus told the woman that he was Christ the Messiah, she responded by putting down her empty jar and went straight back to her people to announce her encounter.

Answer number two
This can be found in her question shown in the opening verse above. Sadly, this is not the question asked by somebody who truly believes with personal conviction, even though you can hear the excitement in her voice including during her proclamation to her people.

Her proclamations were so powerful and impactful, that as recorded in verses 39 and 42, many Samaritans believed in Jesus because of what she told them and some others, also because of their own personal encounter with Him.

Verse 41 is also so powerful: “Many more believed in Him [with a deep, abiding trust] because of His word [His personal message to them];” JOHN‬ ‭4:41‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Dear sisters, to be honest, I don’t know whether this woman later believed for herself but the question is, will you?

You see, being a true believer is not a group effort. It is a personal commitment to Jesus. You can still be impactful for God without having this personal relationship with him but the only person who will know this,  is you and Jesus, to whom you will give account to one day.

God knows the real you. Let His Word impact, change and transform you for your good and His glory. If you let Him, God’s truth will set you free and He will fill you with His living water 💦 that never runs dry.


Dear Lord Jesus, l believe in you. Please help my unbelief. Amen

 *Bible Study Plans*
Leviticus 14  Exodus 33 Acts 14

 *Words for Wise Woman*

Don’t just profess Jesus to others. Enjoy the benefits of believing in him for yourself

 *©️Aije Barnes WPH *

Days Count 212