Sunday, 21 April 2019

The Samaritan Woman - Can this be the Christ?

Women’s Power Hour
Kick off Your Day

 *Devotional for Women*

Topic – The Samaritan Woman - Can this be the Christ?

Scripture: JOHN‬ ‭4:29‬ ‭AMP‬‬

““Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done! Can this be the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed)?””

We recall from yesterday’s devotional that Jesus clearly told the woman that he is Christ the Messiah.

So the answers my two questions yesterday, which were, ‘after all this, what was her response to Jesus? And, Did she actually believe for herself? Are shown below:

Answer number one
As soon as Jesus told the woman that he was Christ the Messiah, she responded by putting down her empty jar and went straight back to her people to announce her encounter.

Answer number two
This can be found in her question shown in the opening verse above. Sadly, this is not the question asked by somebody who truly believes with personal conviction, even though you can hear the excitement in her voice including during her proclamation to her people.

Her proclamations were so powerful and impactful, that as recorded in verses 39 and 42, many Samaritans believed in Jesus because of what she told them and some others, also because of their own personal encounter with Him.

Verse 41 is also so powerful: “Many more believed in Him [with a deep, abiding trust] because of His word [His personal message to them];” JOHN‬ ‭4:41‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Dear sisters, to be honest, I don’t know whether this woman later believed for herself but the question is, will you?

You see, being a true believer is not a group effort. It is a personal commitment to Jesus. You can still be impactful for God without having this personal relationship with him but the only person who will know this,  is you and Jesus, to whom you will give account to one day.

God knows the real you. Let His Word impact, change and transform you for your good and His glory. If you let Him, God’s truth will set you free and He will fill you with His living water 💦 that never runs dry.


Dear Lord Jesus, l believe in you. Please help my unbelief. Amen

 *Bible Study Plans*
Leviticus 14  Exodus 33 Acts 14

 *Words for Wise Woman*

Don’t just profess Jesus to others. Enjoy the benefits of believing in him for yourself

 *©️Aije Barnes WPH *

Days Count 212

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