Sunday, 3 December 2017

Fasting the Conditions and the Blessings December 2017

Fasting the Conditions and the Blessings 
Isaiah 58
By Regina Moore.
Fasting is one of the challenging exercises to do as a woman of God. God has a way of pushing us into a fast by allowing lifes circumstances to demand a fast. We should not wait for circumstances or church declaration of a fast we can get ourselves positioned with spiritual ammunition to always put the enemy where he belongs. 
As fasting empowers us to develop inner power and capacity to take our stand in the spirit realm and be victorious.
Having been involved in over 5 years of successful 21 daysDecember cross over prayer and fasting; leading women to prepare their lives for the new year I was forced to study what we will gain according to Gods word when we fast.
Gaining anything in life comes with a price no pain no gain. The pains are the conditions God set down for us to do so the gain will come. If we are willing and obedient we shall eat the good of the land.
Looking closely at Isaiah 58 I see God calling His people to repentancethey did seek God but see nothing, so our first condition in fasting is to repent.  Repentance makes us ready for the presence and power of God that fasting brings.
They were fasting for the wrong reasons another condition is to check our motives, why are we fasting there must be clear reasons why we are doing it. Out line your clear directions as to where you are heading with your fasting.
Vs 3 is looking at our consecration in this period of fasting putting aside pleasure and labour and consecrate yourself to God.
Vs 4 asked that we don’t fast for strife or wickedness I remember getting a story of a Satanist fasting to break marriages that was strange but the enemy knows the power of fasting and uses it negatively. We can use it positively to impact lives and change our own lives as we seek God.
Vs 5 Encourages humility of heart those days it was sackcloth and ashes that signifies humbleness of heart, sorrow and affliction. God accepts the humble heart in fasting. 
Vs 6 Begins to outline the kind of fasting that God accepts and the power to loose the bands of wickedness, burdens and yokes that will be produced when we fast the God kind of way.
Vs 7 Encourages that this season that you are not eating give your food to the poor, cloth the naked open your house to the needy charitable deeds should rise this season even though that should be our life style.
Vs 8 Outline the benefits and blessings that will begin to flow in our lives as we obey the above verses. Our light shall break forth as the dawn that means any darkness surrounding our path to destiny the light of God will shine forth and make every crooked path straight in our lives. 
The blessings flows to our health if sickness is present health will breakforth and eradicate sickness in our lives, our righteous lifestyle will begin to open up blessings unto us.  The glory of God will shine forth on every area of our lives and the rewards from the Lord will begin to flow.
Vs 9  11 Outlines more benefits as we fast In this right state of heart. It says When we call upon the Lord He will answer our cry, our light will rise from obscurity and darkness will be removed from our path when we obey His word.
The guidance of the Lord will be open unto us, and in hard times God will satisfy us with good things, we shall flourish and not fail
Vs 12 goes on to talk about the legacy of our lives, we will be the repairers and foundation builders for generations to come. 
Vs 13 Calls our attention to obedience to His word in keeping a holy Sabbath unto the Lord and turning away from doing our own selfish desires. Our Sabbath these new testament times is to have a day set aside for the Lord. 
Vs 14 Encourages us to take pleasure in the things of God and the benefits are awesome God will move us up to the high places of the earth and we will experience the blessings of Jacob. He was a very rich man and had great substance. 
Looking at the above verses we see God wanting to bless us through the fasting not to punish us but to lift us up and set us on high. The blessings we connect with when we fast the God kind of way are numerous. 
Make it a habit to go into fasting even if your church does not declare one you will reap your harvest in fasting.

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