Wednesday, 31 July 2013

The proverbs 31 Babe series - 6 by Regina Moore July 4 Issue 3 Vol 3

Proverbs 31:15- ‘‘she riseth while it is yet dark and giveth food to her household and a portion to her maidens’’.

I have a slogan that I normally use when I want to justify my early rising lifestyle; ‘’great women don’t sleep till 7 am they are awake long before 7 am’’ If you work late in the night this does not apply to you or if you are a shift working woman. You might need more grace and discipline to get into the habit of rising up early.

The woman above is an early riser maybe she wakes up before 6 pm or earlier. There are great benefits of rising early. When you get into the habit and it is well formed or you mentally condition yourself into that pattern of lifestyle, you are always ahead of many people in your day's activities.

You get things done before the rest of the house is up. You start working on your  "to do" list well on time. You are better prepared than most late risers. If you are in business you can set up schedules of appointments, get your diary straightened up. If you sell products get them ready arrange and pray over them. If you work in the office you set yourself up for a great day start up. With personal devotion time this goes for every woman working or doing business whatever capacity your find yourself.

You can check and reply to emails, respond to urgent communication. You can get your kitchen organized, you can do a personal development time to add value and upgrade yourself daily. You can organize the day’s menu and even cook lunch in the morning. I do that when I have a heavy day schedule. There is a lot to benefit when you become an early riser; the lady above is such a woman.

Program yourself into this new habit this new year the benefits are awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Hello again,

    Here is another wisdom - packed ministration on the proverbs 31 babe series by Regina Moore.

    May God bless you as you put in into practice.

    God bless
    Sister Aije
