This truth is also revealed in the story that led to the shortest verse in the bible- "Jesus wept" (John 11:35). This followed the death of his friend Lazarus when he came to Mary and Martha and found them distraught. Jesus was not crying because he wasn't sure whether he could raise Lazarus from the dead as he had been dead 4 days already and maybe it was just a hopeless situation. He was not crying because Mary and Martha were not happy because he did not come on time knowing that had he come when he was first sent the message that Lazarus was sick, all of this would not have happened. No, Jesus knew every thing that was happening even though he was not physically there at the time and he knew what was going to happen - that there would be a happy ending and God's name would be glorified. Jesus wept because he shared in their pain. He felt their pain and sorrow. He was right there with them when it hurt.
Derek Prince had a particularly strong insight on this truth about the God who is there. In a radio series he recorded a number of years ago called, “God Revealed in His Names,” Derek shared some encouraging perspectives on this aspect of the Lord’s care:
Often, we have the wrong impression that God’s ultimate purpose is somehow to get man to heaven. That really isn’t it. God’s purpose is to bring heaven down to man and, above all, to bring His own personal presence down to man.
This is true of every structure that the Lord had built for Him. It was the purpose of the tabernacle of Moses. It was the purpose of the temple of Solomon. Always, it was to be a dwelling place where God could dwell in the midst of His people and never have to leave them….
That’s the climax, that’s the outworking of the divine purpose in human history. Not that God would get man up to heaven, but that God would so deal with man as to make him fit to receive God’s presence as a dwelling place on earth.
We see that same climax of God’s purpose revealed in Ezekiel 48:35, the last verse of Ezekiel:
“The city shall be 18,000 cubits round about; and the name of the city from that day shall be, ‘The Lord is there.’”
That’s the consummation of divine purpose. It’s also the seventh and the last of the covenant names of Jehovah, of Yahweh, the Lord.
Let’s look at those seven names in their completeness. First, the One who provides. Second, the One who heals. The third, the One who is our banner. The fourth, the One who is our peace. The fifth, the One who is our shepherd. The sixth, the One who is our righteousness. And then, the seventh, the One who is there—always there, just where you need Him, by your side, right with you every moment. The One who provides, who heals, who is our banner, who is our peace, who is our shepherd, who is our righteousness. He’s right there.
That’s His purpose: to dwell forever with His people. And this is His purpose for each of us individually. That each one of us should know Him as a permanent, indwelling Lord—the Lord who is always there, right in the midst of our hearts and lives.
Proclaiming His Presence
I hope you are convinced that the Lord is right there with you in whatever circumstance you are facing right now. Whether you sense His presence with you or not, it would be a tremendous step of faith to declare your trust in Him at this moment—that He is right there with you.
We could easily voice it as a prayer, but I believe it would be even more powerful to profess it as a proclamation. Why don’t you take this opportunity to make a bold proclamation right now?
Lord Jesus, by faith, I proclaim that You are right here beside me in the furnace. I praise You and bless You—the glorious One whom Nebuchadnezzar saw walking about in the fire. You are here with me, Lord, in the midst of all the heat I am facing; and I thank You.
As an action of confidence and faith, I take hold of Your righteous right hand. You have said that You will strengthen me and help me, and I thank You in advance for all that You will do in my present situation. I know where You are when I am hurting: You are right here with me. I declare it, Lord Jesus, and I thank You for it. Amen!
Emmanuel, God with Us
Your words have great power in them, and you can be sure that the Lord is pleased with the confident declaration you have just made. We trust that from this point forward, you will sense His presence with you, experiencing His very present help in a new way.
One of the frequently spoken names of Jesus is “Emmanuel, God with Us.” What a wonderful expression of His ultimate purpose—to be with us always, in every circumstance, even to the end of the world!
Never forget the truth we have discussed in this letter. Never forget the answer to the question: Where is God when it hurts? Now and always, He is right there with you.
Therefore my sister and friend, you don't have to ever feel you are alone particularly when you are going through difficult or painful situations. He said call upon Me in the day of trouble and will I answer you and deliver you (because He is right there with you) and you shall glorify Him. Psalms 50:15 KJV)
Dearly beloved,
ReplyDeleteThis is the second part of "Where is God when it hurts? " The answer of course is He is right there with you. This second part provides you with more insight into what this means.
May God richly bless you as you read...
Sister Aije x