Sunday, 31 March 2013

It Is A Matter Of Choice! by Aije Barnes March 3 Issue 3· Vol 3

Today is Easter Sunday. The day we Christians, celebrate the resurrection  of our Lord from the dead. 

A few days ago as Jesus rode on a donkey through Jerusalem the people cried "Hosanna! Hosanna!" Which means "Lord save us now" when Jesus rode out of the city gates, he chose to turn towards the temple and not in the direction the the people expected to save them the way they wanted. Jesus chose to save them the way God had ordained - the way of the cross. 

The people,(persuaded  by the chief priests and scribes were filled with even more indignation when Jesus overturned the tables in the temple and drove out the buyers and sellers who were in the temple) chose  a notable prisoner, called Barabbas over Jesus, to be freed from his death sentence. 

The journey to the cross was marked by some key events where Jesus had to make some very important decisions.  In other words he had to make a choice. 

In the place called Gethsemane, prior to his arrest, He knew what was going to happen, yet chose to go. He knew the torture he was going to endure and prayed twice  saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. He went away again the second time, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if this cup may not pass away from me, except I drink it, thy will be done. (Matthew 26:36, 39, 42 KJV). Jesus chose to drink the cup of punishment, unspeakable pain and finally death so that we did not have to.  What Love! What a Saviour! 

On the third day, He rose again and through His resurrection we who believe have new life in Him. 

We too need to make a decision whether to die to sin or live for Christ. It is a matter of choice.  What is yours? 

If you have made wrong choices in the past, let this be the day that you decide to make the right one.  Put to death your old ways which does not honour God and start to live as God has called you to live - for Christ. 

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Dearly Beloved,

    In life we all at one time or another have to make decisions. These decisions normally end up with a choice. What you choose determines your destiny. Therefore choose right!

    God bless you as you read...

    Eternal blessings

    Sister Aije
