and you will have a catch up foundation to this series.
This week we want to look at establishment in the home front. This should be a strong desire of every power woman that God is raising for this hour. If our homes are not established so many things will be shaky. Ministry starts from home, a successful job starts from home, if your home is not stable you can’t work with peace of mind and excellence. The woman wanting to progress in her family life journey will take this seriously.
Establishment in the home starts from choosing the right life partner. The Man of God you prayed about and you had peace with God concerning spending the rest of your life with him.

If you love him because of something, it’s going to be an issue later on if those things disappear. For example, if his family is not rich anymore, they lost their fortune, or if he changed career and choose to do other things other
than what you meet him doing when you fell head over hills in love with him.
I met my husband in the choir and he used to sing beautifully. He was the desire of some single sister’s heart. He was a Systems Analyst. Those days IT boys where hot for girls they start
making advances as soon as they know they are into IT.
Now he is not doing any of these. He has left the music for me. He has branched into media which is his soul´s cry. I wonder if I had loved him for his singing and IT career,
my marriage foundations will be shaking, now that he is not actively doing any of these anymore.
It is best to love them for who they are in spite of, not because of. When this foundation of right choice is sorted then you are preparing your home to be built upon the right structures in place.
Forming good habits: When dating, try forming good habits. It will not be strange when you marry to continue in them. Like praying together, be open to talk anything, even your ugly past and short comings. Your background and family history that relates to you, don’t keep things under the carpet or hide something’s. Talk about school days, if you have a child out of wedlock tell him.
Don’t allow him to find out things about you from gainsayers who don’t mean well for the relationship. Tell him all before, not after the wedding trying to conceal some things thinking if he knows he will cancel the wedding. If he is your man he will love you more when you lay all bare before him and start out in truth and openness. Let there be no surprises after the wedding.
I remember when we were courting close to our wedding, I started having demonic attacks. It was very serious in my sleep. I told him everything, guess what? We fought the deliverance battle together and we won.
The enemy did not have it his way. This issue brought us closer, he will go with me to the counselling and we will pray together with my mum and our friends, God delivered me. We came out victorious instead of victims.
Be united: Have a united front always, start practising this when you are planning the wedding. Families can put you two under pressure, especially in the African setting. If you tell them ‘’WE’’ have decided so and so and that’s what ‘’WE’’ are going to do. Other than telling them my fiancĂ©e said he will do so and so they will pressure you to go and pressure him. Put up a united front they can’t come between your ties as you both talk the same.
Watch Out!! for Communication sex and money next month on the established woman Home Front 2
Establishment in the home starts from choosing the right life partner. The Man of God you prayed about and you had peace with God concerning spending the rest of your life with him.You love him for who he is, not for what he has.