Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? The one who has clean hands and pure hearts, who does not trust in idols or swear by a false God. They will receive the blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their saviour.
Third Sunday of the month in my church we have zonal service. Different things will be going on in the church and you are free to go be a part of any group activity. I always go to the bible study group and once I have been to the craft and discussions group.
This Sunday I was specifically pulled in my spirit towards the prayer group as God has been dealing with me in that area. I am seriously preparing a 21 days cross over fasting with some women. My spirit is heavily drawn to rise up in prayer.

After this glorious time in His presence. I wiped my very tearful face, blew my nose and spoil all my make-up. I did not care anyway. I picked up the bible and opened to Psalm 24 which has been a special blessing to me lately especially verse 1 ‘’ The earth is the Lords and it’s fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein’’. This time the Lord open up verses 3-6 to me with a new life and meaning. ‘’ Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place? The one who has clean hands and pure hearts, who does not trust in idols or swear by a false God. They will receive the blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their saviour. ‘’
Verse 3 begins with some questions ‘’ who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy Place? Coming to the place of prayer is like a ascending unto the hill of the Lord. It’s were we go up to meet with the Lord. Prayer is an upward movement it’s a high position where we meet God up there. When you are positioned to pray you start climbing up to meet with the Lord. You can’t stay down in your spirit when you want to meet with the Lord.
If your mind is wondering you can’t climb up, thinking about the next activity after prayer time does not allow you to climb. We must be totally for Him at that moment. Then we are meeting with Him and ascending into the Hill of the Lord. It’s a place where you go in, you are shut in there and you lock out every other area of your life. You are meeting with the Lord ascending in His holy hill. Standing in His holy place that’s the next question the verse is asking ‘’who may stand in His Holy place’’? It’s like a question of qualification asking if you are worthy to stand in His Holy place.
When you come to meet with the Lord the enemy will accuse you and disqualify you and show you all your mistakes and shortcomings. So you feel unworthy to stand. Let me give you a bullet to shoot him. When he accuses you, show him the cross of Calvary and the shed blood of Jesus, that has cleansed and paid the price for all your unworthiness. The cross has qualified you to climb up and stand in His holy place. It’s only through His blood you are made worthy. ‘’ By grace are ye saved it’s through faith it is not of yourself least any man should boast’’.
When you shoot this bullet the enemy will run from your mind and you will have confidence to stand depending on the finished work of the cross. When you have accusations when you want to stand in the holy place confess any known sin or unknown sin so that you will free your heart and get rid of any guilt and condemnation. Then you are now free to experience God. You are free to be who you are in His presence, free to supplicate, intercede, bind, loose, agree and use your authority for things to happen here on earth. If we don’t ascend into the hill of the Lord nothing will descend unto the earth from the holy place. Let us draw near in faith.
Verse 4 describes the person that can climb into the holy place. It’s like an answer to the questions in verse 3. If the enemy tells you, you don’t have a clean hands and a pure heart do the above and get rid of him behind your back.
Verse 5 tells of the rewards of being in the Holy place. Climbing and standing in His presence has rewards. You shall receive blessings from the Lord. Answers to prayers are great but my favourite part of what we receive in the Holy Place is getting more of God in your life. Changing you from glory to glory, this is my best bit. The Lord robbing off on you, making you, filling you, and anointing you for exploits Alleluia! This is what we should desire to receive from the Holy place. The answers to prayer are bonuses, top ups and desserts, icing on the cake.
Verse 6 refers to Jacob the generation of those who seek Him. Jacob was the man who wrestled with the Lord, he saw angels ascending and descending in a dream in Genesis 28. He refused to let go an angel until he was blessed. His name was changed to Israel. This all happened when Jacob wrestled with the Lord. In prayer we wrestle it’s like a battle field a war territory, where victories are enforced. Jacob got his blessings for sure His name was changed to Israel His descendants became a very great nation. It all started from the man who wrestled with the Lord. Received his blessings and got a change in his life and generation.
We can have a change like Jacob, all things are possible when we climb and stand in the Holy place in faith great transformations will God do.
Now go climb into the hill of the Lord and stand in His holy place. God will reward you greatly.
Dear Women Of God,
ReplyDeleteThe place of prayer is where the Lord wants us to be always. The devil knows this and wars against us. We must arise, ascend the mountain of the Lord, stand in His Holy place, humbling ourselves, obtain His mercies, declaring His truth, find His favour and claim our victories in Him. Constantly giving thanks to Him!
May the Lord Bless you as you ascend His Holy Mountain and stand in His Holy Place.
Yours in His Service
Minister Aije
Assistant Group Pionner
Dear Women Of God,
ReplyDeleteThe place of prayer is where the Lord wants us to be always. The devil knows this and wars against us. We must arise, ascend the mountain of the Lord, stand in His Holy place, humbling ourselves, obtain His mercies, declaring His truth, find His favour and claim our victories in Him. Constantly giving thanks to Him!
May the Lord Bless you as you ascend His Holy Mountain and stand in His Holy Place.
Yours in His Service
Minister Aije
Assistant Group Pionner