We have all been robbed of our birth right. The chief robber being ignorance; supported by lack of knowledge; aided by lack of vision; armed with a negative attitude towards wealth and the abundance that is available in Christ.
The truth is that abundance is every believer’s birth right. Jesus said “I have come that you might have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)”. John 10 verse10b [Amplified].
Whatever translation of the bible that you may have, it is glaring that part of God’s redemption plan for us in Christ Jesus is to have abundance in all aspect of our life, including our finances.
Having dominion and subduing the earth connotes having surplus to the extent that you can lend to nations and not borrow. Our level of experience and partaking of this kingdom benefit is often determined according to the power that is at work in us. Indeed, we have been endued with the power to succeed and excel within. How well are we stirring up the treasure within? The bible says the treasures are in earthen vessels. We have all been gifted and furnished with the power for all round prosperity.

It is written; “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and that your body may keep well, even as I know your soul keeps well and prospers. III John verse 2 [Amplified].
The psalmist also wrote and I quote: “The Lord is my shepherd (to feed, guide, and shield me), I shall not lack”. Psalm 23 verse 1 [Amplified].
Obviously, we do not serve a God who is not able to provide for His own. Why do we still have lack in the body of Christ?
A couple of us are still operating with the wrong mind-set that Christians are expected to be poor in this world to be able to attain his/ her heavenly reward. We are so petrified by the concept of having more than enough or abundant riches because of fear.The basis of this misconception is often quoted as the scripture which states that the love of money is the root of all evil.
Yes, it is true that the love of money fuels most of the atrocities committed in this world, but there is a huge difference between the love of Money and the possession of money. It is okay to possess money. The sin or the root of evil is when you allow yourself to be possessed by money or when you become obsessed with money. The bible is full of stories and example of men and women of affluence who had abundant wealth. Although some of them lost it, most of them retained their sanctity and maintained their love for God. They did not abandon the worship of the true and living God to worship mammon.
Beloved, poverty is the devil’s affliction and it does not reflect God’s affection towards His children. Disabuse your mind of those wrong notions and accept that it is proper to prosper financially.
So many people feign ignorance when it comes to knowledge on financial issues and fund management. Some of us are either trading or engaged in other forms of business/entrepreneurial activities, but have never taken time to learn basic book-keeping skills. Consequently, we do not understand our cash-flow pattern thereby taking the wrong decisions at inappropriate times/ seasons.
On the other hand, those of us in paid employment do not take cognizance of our consumption pattern, and we just spend on demand or even on impulse.
The Creator of the universe talks about times and seasons for everything under the sun. Believe it or not, if you sow in the time of harvest it would yield unprofitable produce. Seek knowledge on when to stock pile and the best time to off-load what has been piled. Read articles on the internet, newspapers, books and similar avenues which discusses financial issues.
Develop a saving culture with the mind of becoming an investor in the nearest future. Avoid extra-budgetary expenditure. For example, have you decided on how much you can afford to budget for Christmas gifts and other expenses this season? Or are you just going to spend everything on food, drinks, and gifts as the Lord provides? Then January would take care of itself? Learn from the ant, who is so fragile but full of wisdom as regards to adequate planning with foresight.
The bible says wisdom is the principal thing and with it, get understanding and knowledge.
Most of us do not plan to fail, we only fail to plan. Like the adage says: “if you fail to plan, then you have planned to fail”. So many people who come for counselling on debt related issue did not know how the menace crept in. It often starts as a credit transaction that is manageable. The concept of making minimum payments on a monthly basis creates the impression that more credit can be obtained to satisfy other needs or mostly wants. Unfortunately, little or no attention is paid to the burden of interest that comes with borrowed funds. This burden can easily become a strong yoke if proper planning is not employed for effective debt management.
The bible says: “Owe no man” I believe it is a clarion call for us to get out of debt. I have always known that debt is a spirit, and I will not be held bound under its suppressing claws.
For those of us who are already oppressed and depressed by the limiting rod of debt, let us desire and plan to get out of it. Our plan must be followed by action, because faith without works is dead. Tabulate all the debt in a spread sheet format and get advice on how to eliminate them, gradually. Write the vision and pursue your debt-free goal with a passion.
As we approach the New Year 2012, we should all embrace a vision of a life that is debt-free. All things are possible to him that believes. Shalom!!!
Dear Women of Great Abundance,
ReplyDeleteI am delighted to share with you this timely, refreshing and power-packed ministration which is sure to make a great positive impact in your financies. It is call for you to become a money wise woman to bring you into your financial abundance!.
I pray that the Lord will make you properous in all areas of your life in the year 2012 in Jesus Name!
God Bless
Minister Aije Barnes
WPH Assistant Group Pioneer